Sunday 28 April 2013


Faith I believe is a misnomer in politics. Too often in a passive society General Election is a mere retort that is seen as an academic exercise carried out at constitutional intervals. So where does the concept of ideology and faith fit in.

In Malaysia where the exposure to constitution and ideology are dealt at superficial level in the education system it negates an established sociopolitically conscious society. Until such time when the consequences of pacifism  manifest in reprehensible governance which becomes hard not to be noticed, then social consciousness is provoked. But the underlying question remains whether this provocation has depth. Definitely in any country there would be a marginal group of people with high sociopolitical intellect but whether this group of people can garner sufficient influence on the passive masses is a political uncertainty.

It is difficult to disassociate one's long held perception about a system that one has grown with, where no other alternative was even imagined thus far. This eventually leads to the creation of a comfort zone in the mind of that individual which leads to establishment of that particular mindset and belief system of that society. This comfort zone becomes the foundation of a perceived FAITH in that society. Thus in a passively molded society, the status quo would be preferred rather than anything that is radical or even uncertain.

So FAITH here has nothing to do with an indepth understanding of a particular ideology or even governance but it is merely a manifestation of perceived mindset out of sheer convenience.

For political parties (both sides of the divide) here in Malaysia to gain political mileage they need demagogues, who can inspire the imagination of the masses. In this euphoric setting, logical and rational argument sometimes may not have populist appeal.

Five more days to polling, the future of Malaysian political landscape is very much going to be determined by these MASSES. The ability to CONVINCE or to CONFUSE these masses would be the key to the success of any political coalition that would form the next government.



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