Wednesday 1 January 2014

End of Gregorian 2013 and The Beginning of Gregorian 2014

On 24th February 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the refined version of the Julian calendar which has been adopted as a universal standard since. 

Today marks the second day in the Gregorian calendar of the year 2014.  

My family and I ended the year with a great holiday and at the same time had to hear a tragic news about a friend who was brutally attacked as he was leaving a bank.

Life is full of surprises, my neighbor who was a national hockey player and a tennis coach by profession collapsed after a match point with a massive cardiac arrest and died on the court. On the other hand a friend, 15 years after his first boy tried unsuccessfully to have another, eventually was gifted with a baby girl in December. 

These events reflects the many wonders that we can't comprehend. Much as we try, the more intriguing it becomes. So how do we account and manage ourselves? A perpetual question dealt differently by different cohorts.

For the religious they seek divine intervention. For the secularist they crunch the numbers. When outcome conforms to expectations they resign to their convictions. But when outcome differs from expectation than rationalization sets in. To the religious they believe they have not accumulated sufficient karma to deserve an eventful outcome, so resolution for the following year would be to do more good deeds, pray harder and seek forgiveness from the almighty. To the secularist it would have been due be unsound projections, weak planning or poor execution. So the solution is to back to the drawing board to rectify the wrong.

Hence life goes on year after year driven by individual psyche based on perspective as to how they perceive their purpose of existence.

In all these haste in chasing the desired outcome often people neglect to understand and appreciate the state of a "MEANINGFUL LIFE."

Meaningful to whom? Obviously to 'thine self 'and the 'environment' one lives. 

My friends wife who is a Headmistress in a small rural primary school of fifty students narrated a story. Six of her students excelled in the Primary School Assessment Test (a government examination) and as a reward she asked these students what would they like. Apparently without hesitation all the six students indicated that they would like to visit her at her home. As much as being baffled, she, her husband and children played host to these kids who came from rural and pretty much a poor background. The students had a good time and narrated to other schoolmates. This apparently had created a buzz in the entire school and somewhat had kick started a drive to excel amongst other students. A simple gesture it may have been, but it was definitely a meaningful one that has affected the psyche of these aspiring kids. Kudos to my friend and his wife. As he is going through some difficult time now, I believe his simple and meaningful gesture would invoke positive vibration from these innocent and aspiring kids towards his healing.

Being aware and understanding the fragility of life, in itself, should lead us to a meaningful existence.

Lets reflect on what has happened in 2013 and celebrate 2014 with open arms.



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