As expounded by Jiddu Krisnamurti, the state of unpremeditated, complete awareness of the present without preference, effort or compulsion.
Is this even possible today when we are hogged by a consumerist culture. A new world of quick fixes, even spirituality is seen as a commodity.
The state of stillness would be impossible for distraction comes in all shapes and forms, and the most destructive one comes virtually. The virtual realm exposes one to an infinite probability of choice, which in it self becomes stifling, that strangulates our very own existence .
Perhaps freedom of choice only expresses the ability for one to choose freely within a given choice in a particular boundary.
In one of my social networking group, someone proposed a view that man's ability to describe GOD seem very reflective of himself. My reply was, isn't it logical, where man's ability to imagine is determined as far as his faculties permits. So as much as he tries, his imagination is still boundered by what he is exposed, hence the concept of limitless is a misnomer within this perspective.
Freedom should give the beholder the capacity for self knowledge and the ability to make free as well as rationale choices. Some say that with the advent of technological advancement with greater access to information people may embrace greater freedom. But this in fact is an oxymoron because what goes in the virtual world has its own conspiring theories. The internet has the capacity to magnify propaganda and politicize issues both at individual and societal level. Case in point is Cambridge Analytica and its alleged role in the US presidential election.
The paradox of boundered freedom can be clearly seen none other than in the US where Americans are spending more money trying to defend their right to free speech than benefiting from it.
So is there real freedom as aspired by Jiddu or have we been conned to believe in an assumed utopia that we are living with free will, just because we believe that we are an independent and rational thinking consumers.
But then again what about the bombardment of advertising that constantly hounds us ...........
Abraham Lincoln and Mohandas Gandhi had their tryst with freedom and we all know the consequences, neither the proponents lived to see their efforts nor the benefactors fully realized its outcome.
ravi varmman
Subang Jaya
29 January 2019
In one of my social networking group, someone proposed a view that man's ability to describe GOD seem very reflective of himself. My reply was, isn't it logical, where man's ability to imagine is determined as far as his faculties permits. So as much as he tries, his imagination is still boundered by what he is exposed, hence the concept of limitless is a misnomer within this perspective.
Freedom should give the beholder the capacity for self knowledge and the ability to make free as well as rationale choices. Some say that with the advent of technological advancement with greater access to information people may embrace greater freedom. But this in fact is an oxymoron because what goes in the virtual world has its own conspiring theories. The internet has the capacity to magnify propaganda and politicize issues both at individual and societal level. Case in point is Cambridge Analytica and its alleged role in the US presidential election.
The paradox of boundered freedom can be clearly seen none other than in the US where Americans are spending more money trying to defend their right to free speech than benefiting from it.
So is there real freedom as aspired by Jiddu or have we been conned to believe in an assumed utopia that we are living with free will, just because we believe that we are an independent and rational thinking consumers.
But then again what about the bombardment of advertising that constantly hounds us ...........
Bounded Mind
Confined Mind
ravi varmman
Subang Jaya
29 January 2019