Monday 6 September 2021

Brotherhood in Humanity

The Sundial Chakra at Konark Sun Temple, Bubaneshwar, Odisa, India.

"When a warrior fights not for himself, but for his brothers, when his most passionately sought goal is neither glory nor his own life’s preservation, but to spend his substance for them, his comrades, not to abandon them, not to prove unworthy of them, then his heart truly has achieved contempt for death, and with that he transcends himself and his actions touch the sublime."

Steven Pressfield - Gates of Fire

These words are very powerful, which resonates what humanity is all about. It is about collective consciousness, for a common good. The meaningfulness of every action determines the purpose of our existence.

I was watching the medical drama Code Black, and saw the dramatization of what goes behind the Emergency Room in a hospital. Though a fictionalised depiction, but it makes absolute sense of the fragility of life, and what holds this fragile life is the role of every individual in the ER, total strangers, in doing their best to keep every person reeled in alive.

Only if more people realise that life is fragile, more will do to take care of it, and not be carried away with the false notion of permenance.

Life is like the juxtaposition of the sundial above, on one hand, day after day it shows the exact time, but like the Chakra above, life, one the other hand, evolves in a circle between life and death. Neither can one control time nor one can stop the evolution towards death, but definitely what and how we do, within that frame is entirely up to the beholder.  

Ravi Varmman, Subang Jaya, 002707092021

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