Tuesday 21 September 2021

Nineteeth September, Two Thousand Twenty One, Another Day, Another Year

The day started with Greeja and me went for a walk at 7.30am. It was something we do either in the morning or in the evening. The usual 1 hour walk ended with a shorter walk which lasted just about 45 minutes. Greeja made a "greens" smoothie for breakfast. The morning was filled with calls from my parents and aunties and friends. Had my bath, went straight for my morning prayer at home. Then Greeja and Dhivyaa presented a gift sent by Raviena, that was my first surprise, which made my day.   

Raviena's Birthday Gift

Then I was browsing through my WhatsApp and FB, pleasantly reading greetings sent by family and friends from near and far. The sense of "being" overwhelmed my thoughts, felt very elated that I was remembered. I realised then, that I had an important task to do, a dear friend from south has asked me and another friend to prepare a document to facilitate financial assistance to needy students who had been admitted to University Science Malaysia (my alma matter). This was a commitment that like minded guys from my batch (Class '87) have pledged to carry out to assist in our little way to give back to the community.  

Lunch Prepared By My Dear Sister Thara

The fragrance of Sotong Curry (Squid Curry) was already whetting my appetite, and I thought a "boiler" would put me in the right mood for lunch. Thank's to Thara, lunch was nostalgic, Sotong curry with Kathrika Paal Curry (Eggplant with Coconut Milk Curry) was one power pack combination. 

With a satiated stomach, and wanting to laze around, I mistakenly looked at my FB, and behold something caught my eye. There was a post that states, "If I recieve an envelope, which contains an information stating when I will die, would I open the envelope?" My immediate answer was, NO. I will not open the letter. Why would I? I would rather go on living my life the way I would want to, then to worry about living with fear that I would die on a particular date. If one lives life without regret, then there is nothing that should stop him/her from going on life as it is. I would want death to surprise me. Interestingly on the other hand there are many who live their life as though they are going to live forever, postponing many a matter for tomorrow, wanting to do it another day at an opportune time. It could be something as simple as "hello how are you?", "I love you.", or "I am sorry." But many are caught up with the mundane of day to day living or even seeking to satiate the immediate pleasures in life, that by the time they realise, they would have missed meaningfulness, it would be too late.

Try to nap after that, I just couldn't, because the reflection kept my cerebrum awaken. So did the next best thing, caught an action movie on Netflix.         

Dinner by Greeja, My Best Half

Dinner was ready, but I have already started with a glass of Malbec, it went well with the spagetti after that. It was a sumptious dinner, and was catching up with my nephew Kavin, who dropped by. The food tasted great because it was cooked with love, the dinner felt great because of the warmth of being with the family. Moments like this is when one feels contented and fulfilled. It would have been complete if Raviena, my parents and my sister Vani and her family were here. That will be in good times.

Birthday Cake and Portugese Egg Tarts by Roshen and Dhivyaa

No birthday is complete without a birthday cake, followed by sweet indulgence. It is a state of bliss. But life is not all about bed of roses. It has its ups and downs, going with the flow of the journey one has decided. But like they say, never a journey complete without the companionship of friends. My classmates from school, John, Raj, and Dass wished me early. We were together since standard One, till high school. We know our secrets and naughty thoughts. Life then was without inhibition, carefree, only stopped short because we didn't have the means, but we made do with what we had. 

Then came the video call from my Nanbans (நண்பன் aka friends) from Class 87, USM. For the last 34 years we had an unbroken relationship, crossing many challenges and tribulations. Despite our distance and diversities in our profession we stood steadfast with our bonding. Lending a ear when in need, partaking in happiness and sadness of each other and their families. Thank you Jega, Megan, Ganason, Selva, Sugu, Dorett and Raja Saar for not only making my birthday complete but also being the pillar, holding C87 together.   

I poured my favourite Jameson

As the day ended, I came across another post on FB that asks, "Will we remain faithful to our spouses, children, relatives, friends, nation and God until the very end?"  Well I thought why should one be faithful, instead it should be "meaningful". Faithful sounds enslaving, and when one is faithful, the chances of being blind to perversity of the other would be there. 

"To Live Is The Rarest Thing In The World. Most People Exist, That's All."
Oscar Wilde

(That was Raviena's Wishes for Me)


  Ravi Varmman, 105721092021, Subang Jaya.

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